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Notice Board

Examination Notice Sr. College
College EXTERNAL theory examination:
academic year : 2020- 21.

April 2021 Semester Exam

Semester 5 ATKT Exam Time table


Semester I REG./ ATKT Theory Examination Timetable:

Semester I REG./ ATKT Practical Examination Timetable:

Semester I MOCK TEST Schedule (Time : 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm):
  • FYBA – 26/12/2020
  • FYBCom – 27/12/2020
  • FYBSc and FYBSc Comp. Sci. – 28/12/2020
  • FYBMS and FYBAF – 29/12/2020

Semester VI ATKT Theory Examination Timetable:

Semester II ATKT Theory Examination Timetable:

Semester III REG./ATKT Theory Examination Timetable:

 Semester V REG./ATKT Theory Examination Timetable:

Semester II ATKT Theory Examination Timetable:

Semester IV ATKT Theory Examination Timetable:

NOTE : Students are expected to visit college website regularly, to know instructions on how to appear for online exam.